Sexual Abuse Therapy

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Healing from sexual abuse is possible. The process is not easy.
But each day’s progress leads you toward transformation and healing.
I know this, having experienced this process myself. I’ve struggled with
my past of sexual abuse, and managed to go through the healing process
with courage and victory. Now, I teach others to do the same and embrace
life fully and joyfully.
In addition to the experience and the professional skills I have,
I have the three following qualities it takes to properly serve an
adult client who has been sexually abused;
– Knowledge of the long-term effects of sexual abuse
– Courage to broach the subject
– Being able to talk about sexuality without taboo
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Sexual abuse can affect every aspect of adult life a.o; relationships, sexuality, and career. Many individuals who have experienced sexual abuse have significant problems dealing with authority, education, and more.

The long-term mental health effects of sexual abuse may include;

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Suicidal ideation or attempted suicide
  • Severe distress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Substance use disorder
  • Increased risk of unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases

Victims of sexual abuse often experience a variety of challenges. It touches everything. The rupture of trust and the loss of innocence can have significant ramifications.             

But there is hope…


Effective specialized counseling for survivors of sexual abuse is crucial for the healing journey of an individual. As someone with personal experience in overcoming the enduring effects of sexual abuse, I am a  certified counselor dedicated to aiding victims and survivors in comprehending the emotional, mental, and physical repercussions of their experiences. With a deep understanding of the healing process, I provide tailored support, equipping you with the necessary tools, knowledge, and skills to navigate the aftermath of sexual abuse consciously. Through therapy, you’ll be empowered to process these experiences healthily, breaking free from the lingering negative impacts they’ve had on your life.

In my practice at Michemine Counseling & Consultancy, I provide counseling for the enduring effects of sexual abuse, both individually and in group sessions, serving clients in the Netherlands and the Caribbean islands. Sessions are offered in English, Dutch, Spanish, and Papiamento.

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      Embrace your best self …

Here for you.

Are you ready to get on the path to a healthier you?         
Get in touch today to get started!